MULTI KIDS®- Multivitamin & Multimineral BP & USP

Chemical Name:
Multivitamin & Multimineral (A-Z Juniors Syrup preparation)

Multi Kids® syrup contains balanced amounts of all the important vitamins, essential minerals and trace elements. Vitamins are essential substances that are supplied to the body in food. Minerals are indispensable for the metabolism and for growth and regeneration of the body. Finally, trace elements are vital substances which are required by the body in minute quantities but which are not always supplied in the daily food in adequate amounts. This syrup is used for the prevention and rapid elimination of general vitamin deficiencies. The spectrum of essential nutrients supports healthy development, strong immune function, and emotional and mental vitality. This syrup provides the optimal dosage of the essential vitamins and minerals with trace elements for infants and children . The great taste makes taking supplements an easy part of a child’s daily routine.

— 100 ml Bottle
— 200 ml Bottle


MULTI KIDS®- Multivitamin & Multimineral BP & USP

Each 5ml Multi Kids syrup contains Vitamin A (As Beta Carotene) BP 425 IU, Vitamin A (As Retinal Palmitate) BP 425 IU, Vitamin B1 BP 1 mg, Vitamin B5 BP 3.5 mg, Vitamin B12 USP 3 mcg, Vitamin C BP 67.5 mg, Vitamin D3 BP 137.5 IU, Vitamin E BP 10 IU, Riboflavin sodium 5-Phosphaie BP 1 mg, Biotin BP 32.5 mcg, Calcium USP 27.5 mg, Choline Bitartrate USP 10 mg, Chromium Ph.Gr 3.5 mcg, Inositol Ph.Gr 10 mg, iodine BP 25 mcg, Magnesium Ph.Gr 7.5 mg, Manganese USP 750 mcg, PABA Ph.Gr 500 mcg, Potassium USP 7 mg, Selenium USP 17.5 mcg, Zinc USP 2.5 mg.

Multi Kids syrup is well balanced supplement containing 21 nutritional elements which include vitamins, Minerals, & trace elements for the adults and for the all ages of children’s. Multi Kids syrup keeps oneself Sharp and physically and mentally active. Stresses and strains of today’s life are causing hypertension, diabetes, depression, memory loss and arthritis to the elderly. Some of the declines seniors experience may not be totally age related, but may be caused by poor nutrition, unhealthy eating habits. Research has shown that many times adults fail to get the balanced nutrition that is necessary for proper and healthy bodily function. As a result, the vital organs of the body begin to break down and illnesses are the result. Multi Kids syrup provides optimum nutrition to the senior citizens who cannot intake or tolerate supplements is solid dosage forms like tablets or other capsule. Moreover, Multi Kids syrup provides the optimal dosage of the essential nutrients vitamin and minerals with the trace element for infants and children of all ages. Its essential nutrients support healthy developments, strong immune function and emotional and mental vitality of children. Multi Kids syrup contains the primary antioxidant vitamins-C, E & A and minerals – Zn, Se, Mn. All of these elements support immune function and protect the body from harmful free radicals by neutralizing toxins, helping the body detoxify and elimination and these chemicals; there by allowing the immune system be more effective and vital on other fonts. The B vitamins are all actively involved helping nervous system function (learning, memory, managing stress} correctly. Folic acid helps the body digest, assimilate protein and produce RBC and DNA. Biotin is also involved in DNA/RNA productions and fats and oils metabolism which is why it can affect the hair and skin so well. PABA is used to improve the protein used in the body; it relates to red blood Cell formation as well as if assists the manufacture of folic acid in the intestines. PABA is an antioxidant nutrient that inhibits the formation of the damaging free radicals. Choline is an essential component of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is involved in regulating sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory.

Multi Kids syrup is indicated in multivitamins & Multimineral deficiencies in: Adults (especially who cannot intake supplements in solid dosage forms e.g tablet and who suffer gastrointestinal side effects after taking solid dosage forms). Children of all ages & infants.

For infants up to 1 year: 1 teaspoon Multi Kids syrup daily
For Children 1-4 years: 1-2 teaspoon Multi Kids syrup, daily
For Children 4-12 years: 2-3 teaspoon Multi Kids syrup daily
For adults: 3-4 teaspoon Multi Kids’ syrup daily.

Generally the product is well tolerated.

Long term intake of high levels of vitamin A may increase the risk of Supplement should not be used in over dosage or should not be used long time without the recommendation of physician osteoporosis in post menopausal women.

The product is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of this product.

Generally on interactions have been observed.

The specific information is not available in this respect.

Store in cool and dry place protected from light. Keep out of reach of children.

Multi Kids 100 ml syrup: Each bottle contains 100mI syrup
Multi Kids 200 ml syrup: Each bottle contains 200ml syrup.